Melaine Brandt

Melaine Brandt

Administrative Assistant - YES

Meet the people at Snymans Inc

Melaine recently joined Snymans as an administrative assistant at the Cape Town branch, bringing with her a wealth of interpersonal skills and a strong work ethic. Her ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds makes her a valuable team player, while her flexibility and eagerness to learn ensure she adapts seamlessly to new challenges. Melaine is known for her reliability and dedication, which she brings to her role daily.

Outside of work, Melaine's interests are as diverse as her skill set. From reading and yoga to video editing and making YouTube videos, she enjoys exploring new creative outlets. Despite her struggles with gardening, she persists, demonstrating her resilience and determination. Melaine also finds joy in cooking, Pilates, researching English history, and watching documentaries, constantly seeking to broaden her horizons and acquire new knowledge and skills. With her passion for personal and professional growth, Melaine is excited about the opportunities that lie ahead at Snymans.