Jansen Snyman

Jansen Snyman

Founding Director

Meet the people at Snymans Inc

Property law is Jansen's area of expertise, and he is completely committed to giving his clients great guidance and service. After serving articles in Bloemfontein and George, Jansen moved to Johannesburg in 1986. He became a director at a well-known law firm in 1988. In the late 80s and early 90s, he acted on behalf of the local councils of Greater Soweto in order to convert leasehold to freehold and provide ownership of property to individual citizens. Jansen became the founding director of Snymans Inc in 1995. Under his guidance Snymans Inc has become a well-established and renowned property law firm. Jansen is happiest when he is sharing his life with family and friends, especially around a glass of Sauvignon Blanc or a double single malt. With his positive nature and a motto in life of 'is the world a better place because of me', Jansen's influence truly reflects in the values of Snymans Inc resulting in a unique family culture.